Too many chickens, not enough sharks!

I read an intriguing article a few weeks ago titled, The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age. It’s relatively in-depth explanation of the human species’ impact on this world captured my attention for a many reasons but of course top on the list: conservation.
It is difficult to sum up the evidence of this new era, so to keep it simple: it is defined by nuclear tests, plastic pollution and the domesticated chicken. The increase of all three of these suggests that we are encroaching the next era of our world, the Anthropocene epoch.
The current era, the Holocene, has lasted for the past 12,000 years. It is marked by a stable climate since the last ice age during which all human civilization developed. Conversely, this new era is marked by mass extinctions of plant and animal species, polluted oceans and an altered atmosphere, among other lasting impacts.
How much of a problem is this? I’d say pretty big. The impact of humans on earth is far too great. The most startling fact I read that causes great concern for me is that “human activity has pushed extinction rates of animals and plants far above the long-term average. The Earth is on course to see 75% of species become extinct in the next few centuries if current trends continue.”
Considering 100 million sharks are killed every year, I don’t doubt the validity of that statistic. Moreover, it magnifies for me the importance of conservation efforts throughout the world.
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday I can’t help but be reflective on what I am grateful for. This year it is for the conservation efforts of enthusiast, scientists, and average citizens.
Please consider what you can do to slow the startling extinction rates of not only sharks but any species in this world. Get involved, save a shark!